
It’s all about being green at Melaleuca


The company develops environmental-friendly products that are safe for the entire family and has revenues of $864 million last year. Melaleuca products operate in more than 12 countries. In addition to proprietary formulations, patents, or both, many of its products ensure performance beyond what is found in grocery and drug stores. Through the company’s catalog and Web site, customers can order Melaleuca’s wellness products and have them delivered directly to their homes. With Melaleuca, you can enjoy the benefits of a green lifestyle starting with green ingredients. Passionflower, jojoba, psyllium, and Melaleuca Oil are all sourced from renewable, natural sources whenever possible.

A natural ingredient such as citric acid is used instead of chlorine bleach in Melaleuca’s cleaning products and thyme is used in its disinfectants instead of ammonia. Although using natural ingredients can be more expensive, Melaleuca products believe it is the right thing to do. EPA registration is a painstaking process, so Melaleuca spends time and effort developing alternatives to harsh chemicals. A second characteristic that sets Melaleuca apart is its lack of phosphates, which are cheap chemicals used by detergent makers to soften water and are used by most detergent companies. Household cleaners containing phosphates can cause unwanted algae growth in rivers, ponds, and streams, negatively affecting the environment.


As a result of these algae, the natural oxygen supply in the water is reduced, killing fish, birds, and other animals, and severely disrupting the ecosystem balance. Among the biggest environmental problems, we face today are phosphates released into our waterways and ecosystems as a result of burning fossil fuels. A company like Melaleuca has the same values in its manufacturing facilities and operations. To transport products from one facility to another, the company uses plastic bins instead of disposable corrugates. In addition, excess plastic from bottle manufacturing is reused, ensuring as little waste as possible is generated when the bins are worn out and no longer functional. The bins are recycled and used as fiber optic cable tubing.

Lastly, plastics, corrugated cardboard, and paperboard are all recyclable packaging and shipping materials. Each shipping box is made up of 30 percent post-consumer material and certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, instead of bubble wrap or packing peanuts. Product orders are packed with air pillows instead of bubble wrap or packing peanuts to conserve fuel and landfill space. As the consumer demand for ecologically friendly products grows, many businesses are ‘greenwashing’ or ‘green screening’ rather than addressing the root causes of their business practices.

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